Understanding the Holy Bible

The Christian Holy Bible is not, and yet is, a book about religion, spirituality and the supernatural. It’s about history and it covers an amazing number of significant topics valuable in our lives today no matter where we were born or in which culture we were raised. The Holy Bible looks into the future to provide us a peek of things to come.  Its fulfilled prophecies are so explicit and so incalculable that statisticians liken their chances of being fulfilled at less than 1 in however many stars are in all the galaxies of the universe.  It is a book of eternal absolutes not to be negotiated on any level. It contains examples of good relationships and shows us how to avoid bad relationships. It tells you who God is as well as who you are. It tells us of unimaginable beauty and indescribable pain. It provides education, knowledge, wisdom, understanding in many areas of today’s living. It is a living book designed to keep you living a good life, blessed by God while serving Him in the path He’s provided for you.

Understanding the Bible means taking time to read it. When you eat a meal, do you consider its wonderful flavors and textures before you swallow? Reading the Bible without delving into its individual words, its deep concepts and thorough truths is like chewing good food and spitting it out.  No benefit is received from either.

Amazing leaders throughout history and in our time have read and understand the Bible. Even secular philosophers, like Kant and Kierkegaard, have been affected by the Bible. “A single line in the Bible has consoled me more than all the books I ever read besides.” — Immanuel Kant. “When you read God’s Word, you must constantly be saying to yourself, ‘It is talking to me, and about me’” — Soren Kierkegaard. Or this one: “The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God.” ― James Merritt.

Learning about God:  https://boostlinkassociates.com

Thanks. And may the Lord Bless you as you seek him seeking you!

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