Comments on Christian Living
Learn To Apply the Holy Bible To your Life
How many times have you heard, "The Bible is out of date. It doesn't mean anything," or, "The Bible is irrelevant in modern society," or something similar?
Sadly, even "woke" church leaders are spreading that nonsense.
The Holy Bible is alive! "How," you may ask?
The "How" is started by knowing what is in the Bible. The whole Bible, not just the feel-good parts.
Amazing Things for You!
YOU CAN KNOW that God loves you. One of God’s greatest promises is that we can know for sure Heaven will be our home for eternity. 1John 5:13 says, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” God does love you!
No matter what you did or who you are or what you’ve done or not done or what your background is, God wants a relationship with you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
We are all sinners, even Christians. The Bible tells us that sin keeps us from God. Sin is any act contrary to God’s law, and we have all sinned. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
God wants us to know that sin has a price. Your sin has a penalty, and that penalty is death. The payment for your sin is spiritual death, eternal separation from God, in a literal place called Hell. Romans 6:23(a), the first part of the verse says, “For the wages of sin is death…”
But Jesus provided for you. Despite your sin God loves you and wants a relationship with you. In fact he loves you so much that he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you! Romans 5:8-9 tell us that truth: But God commendeth his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Think of “justified” like “just-if-I’d never sinned.” Think of wrath as condemning you for eternity to Hell.
Eternal life is a gift. You don’t have to ask for it, nor can you in any way buy it with either money or good works. It is a free gift, since Jesus died for our sins and rose again, he now offers you the gift of eternal life with him in in Heaven. Romans 6:23(b) “…but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
If Jesus is speaking to your heart right now, you know it for sure, and it’s time to accept his gift by praying to him for forgiveness of your sins…all of them, even the ones you don’t like to think about or are ashamed of…and especially the ones which you love or can’t seem to get rid of…all of them! Just bow your head and in your best words tell him you want to accept his invitation, then ask him to forgive you. Then don’t forget to thank him for lifting your burdens.
What next? You either prayed, or you didn’t. God knows you better than you know yourself. If you prayed and you don’t feel his Holy presence, don’t give up. Maybe this is not the right time for you. You may have another chance, but don’t count on it. Urgency exists whether you feel it or not. Each day, each hour and minute, bring you closer to your last day alive on earth, closer to your eternal demise if you don’t reach out to receive God’s gift. The Bible says, “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11. The peace you will receive and the joy you will feel really is beyond understanding; but it’s so real as to be almost tangible. Or would you prefer to substitute “eternal Hell” for salvation? Philippians 4:7
Search your heart. Strive to know him by reading his Word the Holy Bible in King James Version.
If you’re a serious Bible student yearning to know God, no other version will do. I’ll be glad to send you a free book that will show you what I’ve found to be true about different Bible versions. In the book I’ve summarized findings from dozens of other authors, some of who were able to access primary documents which make up the Bible today. The fact is, whether you like it or not, many preachers today are teaching from bibles that have been perverted. Perverted words lead to perverted thoughts, which is where many Christians are today. Get your free copy of my versions summary by clicking below.
But what about you who prayed for forgiveness and you felt his sweet Holy presence lift your spirit? What is your next step? Why, it’s finding a Bible believing church in your area that you can actually attend and that uses ONLY the King James Bible. Immediately following that, get baptized. Baptism is very important and your new pastor will explain it to you in detail. Don’t wait. Do it now!
Now you know my passion.
But like everyone else on the planet, I need to make a living and provide for my loved ones. My goal in posting this is two-fold: 1. Help lost souls know they can have a powerful relationship with God; 2. Share with my readers they best way I know to save money on everyday expenses. You have them, too...even if you're broke and think you have nothing.
So Here's The Deal...
I'm retired, age 80, Vietnam War Vet, served in the US Army. My wife and I lived in Napa, California until the cost of living became too much to bear. We needed some massive relief in our living expenses and found it by moving to North Carolina, where we now live comfortably in a middle-class neighborhood. But there is one other thing that helped as much or more than the lower everyday expenses North Carolina offers.
"How is that," you ask?
It's an online app you can use on your desktop computer, tablet or phone that gives users monthly savings on things like:
Gasoline, Groceries, Household utilities, Car and Home insurance, Phones, Travel, Luxury Items, Wills and Trusts...almost anything you normally buy.
But for my wife and I, the most important benefti of this app is that, in addition to the lower costs of living, we are enjoying an average of around $634/month in savings on stuff we would buy anyway!
This site will introduce you to some of the other users who are saving hundreds of dollars each and every month. They buy the same stuff you do. To find out more, just fill in the form and click the "Learn More" button. Disclaimer: I own the website, but not the app. The app is free to join and free to use. The app also offers a work-from-home opportunity, which is optional. Using the app for the benefits it offers is free to join and free to use and referring others is strictly optional, since not everyone wants to do that.