Controversy: Good or bad?


Many religious people and the woke within our land avoid controversy as if their ideal of peaceful coexistence might possibly support their utopian dream. But at least some of the religious non-woke recognize and pay homage to their Creator, God. Still, they dread controversy and wish truth to be stated without reference to those who hold the opposite errors.


Controversy and a bad spirit are, in their estimation synonymous terms. To strenuously oppose what is wrong is considered as contrary to Christian meekness. The non-Christian world sees, indeed defines, meekness as weakness or resignation; however, meekness is actually a fruit of the Christian spirit. The Bible’s King David is the perfect example of meekness as he dealt with controversy. A strong and productive character is a sign of meekness that is misconstrued by worldly aspirants. (Read the entire book of Psalms. Study carefully the Proverbs.)


Those who hold that controversy is wrong overlook what every page of the New Testament illuminates. In all the history of our Lord Jesus Christ, we never find him out of controversy, and it is he who defines meekness, not mankind. And even a quick study of Saul, who was renamed Paul by the Lord Jesus Christ, reveals some of the worst forms of controversy; and later, controversy demanded of him and Christ’s other followers in spreading God’s Word. (Acts through Revelation)


From the first moment Jesus entered on discharge of his office in the synagogue of Nazareth until he died on the cross, his life was an uninterrupted sequence of controversies. Nor did he, with all the heavenly meekness, which in him shone so brightly, treat error and truth without a reference to those who held them or study to avoid giving its proper appellation to those corruptions in doctrine or practice that endangered the interests of immortal souls.


Even the epistles of the apostles are generally controversial. Most of them are explicit, written for the express purpose of vindicating truth and opposing error that always crops up when the Word is altered, misquoted, or otherwise misinterpreted.


Controversy is demanded by God, for God is light, the only source of truth.  Controversy can be seen as contrast, the contrast between light and darkness. (Next, I speak of spiritual light, not visible light.) God is light and he created darkness for the purpose of contrast for the understanding of mankind. (Genesis 1 1:4) Without God, there is darkness perceived in eternal torment that we know as Hell.


Avoiding Hell. How do we avoid it? The answer is given by our controversial God; or, I should say, by our very loving and forgiving God who made us in his image, and then sacrificed his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ so that you could bask in the eternal light of Heaven.


The complete story of how you can be saved is back on my homepage,


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May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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